Student Supplies
Below are lists of mandatory and optional items that your child is expected to have throughout the school year. If for some reason, you are unable to purchase these items for your child, please let me know.
Daily Planner/Time Tracker
Each morning students will write the schedule and homework assignments in their Daily Planner which should be located at the front of their binder. Daily Planners should be easy to read and understand. Daily Planners need to be signed by parent every Thursday. The Daily Planner is your child’s pass for P.A.T. (Private Activity Time) at the end of the week.
Grading Criteria
The Science grade will be determined by a cumulative average of all work done. The Math grade, for those students having math with me, will be weighted with test counting for 70% of the overall grade, lessons 25%, and homework quizes 5%. You may check grades by logging on to Aeries from the link provided on Classhappenings or the school website. To access your childs grades you will need their school I.D. number. (Back to the Top)
Homework Policy
Math is assigned daily and what students are not able to complete in class becomes homework. In science, most of the bookwork will be done in class while projects/ long-term assignments will need to be worked on throughout the week and occasionally on weekends. There will be times, however, when it is necessary to assign additional homework (i.e. finishing up bookwork, study guides, test preparation). This usually occurs near the end of a unit. If at all possible, I will assign this type of homework on Tuesday and Thursday.
Absence Policy
Generally speaking, the more a student is absent, the harder it becomes to learn, and frustration results. But people do get sick, so for each day a student is absent a day is allowed for making up work. A very important point remains, though, that many activities cannot be duplicated; it is necessary to be here to experience them. In the same manner, assignments need to be done in a timely fashion. This promotes good study habits and also helps prepare them for tests and promotes a good general awareness. IT IS THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND OUT WHAT ASSIGNMENTS HE/SHE MISSED WHILE ABSENT FROM SCHOOL.
Project Due Dates
In the case of a long term project, students are expected to have it at school on or before the day that it is due. Student absences are not considered an excuse for not turning in a long term project by the scheduled due date. Students are expected to find a way to get their project to the school on the day that it is due, even if they are absent. The exception would be a medical emergency, or similar catastrophe (i.e. volcano erupted in the back yard, earthquake swallowed your house, etc..) that could not be anticipated. In such a case students need to bring verification of the emergency when they return to school, along with their project. Project grades will be reduced for each day that they are late.
6th Grade Projects
Pinhole Camera
Earth Project
Science Fair (Entrance into Sacramento Regional Science & Engineering Fair Manditory for Students Going for an "A")
Kite Project (Design, Build, Fly, Complete Kite Book, Presentation) (t.b.d.)
Some Fun 6th Grade Assignments & Dissections
Cow Eye Dissection
Take & Develope Pictures from out Pinhole Cameras
Lots of Experiments
Look at Cells up Close
Squid Dissection
Shark Dissection
Sheep Heart Dissection
Sheep Brain Dissection
Pig Uterus (and Fetus) Dissection
Throughout the school year students will receive play money for various reasons. With this money they can buy materials (pencils, pens, erasers, etc.), use the drinking fountain during class time (students are encouraged to bring a water bottle), and so forth. Also, students can choose to give up money by failing to follow the classroom rules. For example, a child disturbing the class with excessive talk will be charged $XX.XX amount of money. At the end of each trimester we will have a class auction. Students will be able to use their money to purchase various items. Another part of our classroom management program includes keeping a Behavior Record system. With this system, when a child breaks a classroom rule, they will be told to write their name in the Binder located at the back of the room. The first time is a warning, the second time they will be placed on S.O.S. The third time a Behavior Notice will be sent home in addition to S.O.S. The fourth time the child will be suspended from the classroom for the day, receive a citation, parent contacted, and an individualized behavior plan made.
Finally, all aspects of the E.V. Cain Discipline System also apply.
When a student is placed on S.O.S. they will lose all of their privileges. They will be isolated from their group, lose recess, will not be able to participate in any classroom games or fun activities, will not be permitted to participate in P.E. with the rest of the class but will walk laps instead, and will not be allowed to attend any assemblies, field trips, or other similar functions. Students are able to earn their way off of S.O.S. by earning 15 points for their group for good classroom behavior. Points are earned in 5 point increments.
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Monthly Auction At the end of each month students will bring in an item to be auctioned off. These items will be paid for with the class-money that has been earned throughout that month. Since students can lose money for poor behavior or study habits it becomes a strong incentive for good academic and behavioral choices..
Private Activity Time (P.A.T.) While the monthly auction is an individualized incentive, P.A.T. is an incentive that involves the cooperative effort of the entire class. At the beginning of each week the students have 20 minutes of free play time that can be used on Friday. However, some or all of that time may be lost throughout the week for various reasons. For instance, if the class, as a whole, is off-task or just being noisy, they may lose some of their P.A.T. Also, for students to be eligible for P.A.T. they must complete all of their homework for that week, show you their weekly schedule, and have you sign it.
Lunch Party Given to students who have done a great job turning in their homework.
Student of the Week Each week a different student will be chosen as our Student of the Week. That student will get special privileges like, being served popcorn first, being the first to be dismissed from class, any special jobs that come up, and so forth.
Class Money Refer to classroom behavior program.
Science Camp TBA